The Sun Two Speed Answer List – 15-October-2022
The Sun Two Speed – Solution List – 15-October-2022
1.Unsafe organ used for transplant DANGEROUS
2.Composed some classical music CALM
3.Reduce LOWER
4.Alleviation RELIEF
5.Design goes into small drink MARTINI
6.Luminosity RADIANCE
7.Transport used in Isle Dauphine SLED
8.Syllabus COURSE
9.Hazardous DANGEROUS
10.Marionette artist sent back money DOLLAR
11.Tranquil CALM
12.Gin and vermouth MARTINI
13.Supply revamped course put on outside RESOURCE
14.Discontinue church when contrite at last CEASE
15.Toboggan SLED
16.Trial in Laredo botched ORDEAL
17.Slip into DON
18.Man’s man? DOUGLAS
19.US currency DOLLAR
20.Bachelor leaves wide street ROAD
21.Vivacious ALIVE
22.Tent fire upset one ancient queen NEFERTITI
23.Some knew Manhattan film star NEWMAN
24.Noticeable EVIDENT
25.Available reserve RESOURCE
26.Perhaps cow is to appear menacing LOWER
27.Party policy not one’s main interest SIDELINE
28.Famous waterfalls NIAGARA
29.Difficult experience ORDEAL
30.Understand greenhouse effect’s content SEE
31.Thoroughfare ROAD
32.Perfume from Catanzaro maybe AROMA
33.Butch Cassidy actor NEWMAN
34.Greek from Neath drunk with Scotsman ATHENIAN
35.Secondary job SIDELINE
36.Witness SEE
37.Twins in heritage ministry GEMINI
38.Intellectual day ahead DON
39.Bouquet AROMA
40.Taking most of bed, the fat lady? DIVA
41.Quartet into beer and bubbly ALIVE
42.Greek citizen ATHENIAN
43.Ref eating pork pie in break RELIEF
44.End CEASE
45.Obvious I had to enter competition EVIDENT
46.Glow in arcade lit RADIANCE
47.Manx capital DOUGLAS
48.Castor & Pollux GEMINI
49.African flower grain AA fermented NIAGARA
50.Prescribed treatment unfinished we hear COURSE
51.Akhenaton’s wife NEFERTITI
52.Prima donna DIVA