The Times Specialist Answer List – 24-September-2022
The Times Specialist – Solution List – 24-September-2022
1.Palace; illa se iactet in ____ / Aeolus, Aen. 1.140-1 AULA
2.Among other matters INTER ALIA
3.I take in hand again, or reconsider RETRACTO
4.Eg Samos, Sicilia vel Britannia INSULA
5.Quis ludit fele absente? MUS
6.Quae leopardus mutare non potest MACULAE
7.Dilectus, amatus, non vilis CARUS
8.Fluctus, aqua, aestus UNDA
9.The greatest good, ____ bonum SUMMUM
10.Thrust home the javelins! PILA
11.I remain, exist and — albeit rarer — outlive SUPERSUM
12.Shoes; ____ muto, I become a Senator CALCEOS
13.I hurry about, alarmed, festino anxie TREPIDO
14.At that point, then, non nunc TUM
15.He’s a bit teary LACRIMOSUS EST
16.Drag off! Haul away! Tracta! Duc! TRAHE
17.I swell up, rise up, am puffed up or peeved TRAHE
18.Garlands of flowers, often worn by party-goers SERTA
19.Those blokes over there (not these ones over here) ILLI
20.It starts to shine, the day is breaking LUCESCIT
21.Squinting geographer STRABO
22.I bring in, institute and originate, immitto INTRODUCO
23.You (s.) judge, both in court and outside it IUDICAS
24.Curate ne illum ____, mind you don’t hurt him! LAEDATIS
25.Flies, parva insecta captantur ab araneis (et imperatoribus, vide Suet. Dom. 3) MUSCAE
26.They stand, ready, drawn up or at rest; ____ litore puppes, Aen. 6.901 STANT