The Sun Two Speed Answer List – 21-September-2022
The Sun Two Speed – Solution List – 21-September-2022
1.Croon etc playing classical piece CONCERTO
2.The Dane HAMLET
3.Piercing cry rocks church SCREECH
4.Commotion STIR
5.Tea dance? CHA CHA
6.Copy REPRO
7.Section in stadium not new AREA
8.Texan landmark ALAMO
9.Orchestral work Best Answer: CONCERTO
10.Music from agent brought back into state ball CALYPSO
11.Owl call HOOT
12.Latin-American dance CHA CHA CHA
13.Great army officer MAJOR
14.Dotty West makes casserole STEW
15.Region AREA
16.Mock or jest JAPE
17.Terrible weather greets Mike behind rocky peak HAILSTORM
18.Influence MP to stop one bill IMPACT
19.West Indian ballad CALYPSO
20.Reflective surface MIRROR
21.Nonsense from Jethro Tull ROT
22.Complete costume for musicians ENSEMBLE
23.Significant MAJOR
24.Neatly attired DAPPER
25.Accident close to fatal in church area CHANCEL
26.Prince a little bit of a pig? HAMLET
27.Existing everywhere PANDEMIC
28.Smell from ram or another returning AROMA
29.Frozen rain squall HAILSTORM
30.Details from Elrond at Ardor DATA
31.Decompose ROT
32.I’m old, and she engineered break up! DEMOLISH
33.Altar’s location CHANCEL
34.Is on terra firma for Easter say ISLAND
35.Fragrance AROMA
36.Statistics DATA
37.Finest among the literati ELITE
38.Jack with parrot makes joke JAPE
39.Dismantle DEMOLISH
40.One prone to use arms in this exercise? PRESS UP
41.What might be compact disc? MIRROR
42.Sea-girt location ISLAND
43.Ragout STEW
44.Duke at home makes noise DIN
45.Neatly dressed agent with stuff sent up DAPPER
46.Cream ELITE
47.Forcible contact IMPACT
48.Echo up in refurbished citadel DUPLICATE
49.In serious outbreak criticise bungling medic PANDEMIC
50.Gymnastic exercise PRESS UP
51.Group of players ENSEMBLE
52.Mission in Uppsala mobbed ALAMO